Preschool at Home

Preschool at home


With the school year fast approaching the best advice for homeschooling your preschooler is prepare prepare prepare ahead of time! I still have about a month and half before I begin the school yer for my 4 year old but I am already preparing the daily lessons because I’ve learned that things do not run smoothly if you don’t have the lessons ready to go when your child is ready to go.

Soooo this is only my 2nd semester of homeschooling my daughter in pre-k. I’m still new at it, sooo we are essentially learning together.

However, I myself was homeschooled my entire life and my mom was not only a homeschool mom but she also was a teacher in the public school system for many years. So I have a library of knowledge at my fingertips and its called “mom”.

One of the great things about starting homeschooling at the preschool level is that you don’t need a curriculum to teach your child. The internet has a wealth of information available, all free and easily accessible. I use many ideas from pinterest and different blogs for teaching my daughter.

Some of you reading this blog may not have fully decided whether you want to homeschool your child or not, so I’m going to just list some of the reasons why I decided to do it.

1.    I was homeschooled and received an excellent education and was extremely prepared for college, it was a very easy transition for me since I was already use to self-learning.


2.    You can be %100 assured that your child is receiving the attention and quality of care that you want them to have because YOU are teaching them and no one loves your child more than you.


3.    Sometimes public schools can get pretty scary now-a-days, with stories of bullying and shootings on the news its just too scary of a thought for a protective mommy like me.


4.    F-l-e-x-i-b-i-l-i-t-y, it is so amazingly awesome to be able to adjust your child’s school schedule to work with different events. If your child is in a normal public school system, you can’t simply let your child skip school whenever you please, but with a homeschooling program, you can adjust the schedule and move days around so your child doesn’t’ miss any of their work but still gets to attend a special event or a family visit that they may have otherwise missed.


5.    It doesn’t have to be expensive. I have found some AMAZING materials at the dollar tree. Flashcards, charts, games, art supplies, school supplies, and its all very in-expensive there. Also there are tons of online sources that have FREE printable worksheets for all grade levels.


6.    You can make a schedule that fits YOUR life and that is best for your child. Nobody likes being woken up at 7:00 a.m. and racing out the door to be somewhere on time, so by allowing your kids  to get the sleep they need and be on a schedule that works them which in the end will allow them to learn more efficiently.



7.    I adore my daughter and want to spend everyday with her J


So that’s it! Those are my reasons, so welcome to the journey! Good luck and stay tuned for more preschool resources! J

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