Wednesday, August 7, 2013

To Clean or Not to Clean....

There comes a time in every parents life when you are faced with a  certain decision. Finish what chores needs to be done that day or throw it all out the window to make your child happy.  This could happen in a multitude of ways, but for my lil princess it was all about a speedy little snail named Turbo.

Our day started off at a good pace, lots to do but enough time to do it. I needed to clean the bathroom, tidy my daughter's room, take a trip to sally's beauty to buy some things while they were still on sale, and clean up the hundreds of cottenballs lying all over my bedroom floor from the "snow balls" my daughter and her dad were tossing around the night before.

After my daughter got up, I got her some breakfast, straightened the living room and  thought it would be best to go to the beauty store first to order to get it out of the way (plus I LOVE the beauty store ^_^)

After taking my daughter potty in her princess potty chair and she had chosen her Princess gown of the day (she is either a princess or a ballerina everyday) we were off to sally's beauty supply!

Within 15 minutes we had gotten to sally's,  scooped up 3 boxes of hair dye, eyelashes, and foundation, paid and were on our way back to our car...and then it comes...

My daughter asks me "where are we going next mommy?" and I said "Home, baby" and then her little lip started to quiver and she says in the cutest 3 year old voice "But mommy... I wanna go to the movie theatres."

Now comes the dillema, Do I forgo all the housework to grant my child's request? I wrestle with the pros and cons as I strap my baby girl in her car seat and hop in the driver's side seat.

I then thought maybe I can reason with her!

Me: "baby don't you wanna wait until another day so daddy or nana can go with us?"
Daughter: "No mommy I just want you and me to go. We are best friends"

The dillema:

Leave the house a wreck and grant my daughters request.


Tell my daughter no and finish the chores that need to be done at home.

So what did I do?

 I took my daughter to the movies. And here is why:

 My daughter  may only be 3, and she probably won't remember the time mommy dropped everything to take her to the movies, but it added joy to her life. She felt valued and loved, and I truly believe that even if children lose the memories themselves of childhood as they get older, that they never lose the feelings that those happy times gave to them. I think all things our children experience add to their personality and perception of the world. If I had told my daughter no, she may have forgotten about the whole thing the next day, but how would she have felt today?

So my room is still covered in a piles of cottenball snow, there are toys strewn around every room and dinner wasn't finished on time; but my daughter saw her speedy snail on the big screen. Her eyes glowed as she clapped and cheered; and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

 Proverbs 27:11 says "Boast not yourself of tomorrow for you don't know what the day may bring"

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